WebWarper / Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) / Usage of WebWarper

WebWarper adds to viewed pages a lot of advertisement. Is it possible to remove it?

Attention: while advertisement is not turned off, viewing pages through WebWarper is ineffective! You should turn ads off to get main advantages provided by WebWarper service: traffic compression, antivirus protection and acceleration.

WebWarper advertisement is placed on two gray ad panels at the top and the bottom of any viewed page. There are the following ways to disable the advertisement.

  1. You may register: then all WebWarper advertisement will be disabled for 1 year. There are different registration ways, including free of cost ones. Please click here to open the registration window.
  2. You may click the link "Turn advert. off" on the top WebWarper ad panel. Then all advertisement will be disabled for nearest 18 hours. After this perioud (on the next day usually) you will need to turn advertisement off again. Just not forget to click "Turn advert. off" every day, when WebWarper advertisement appears on the viewed pages.
  3. You may use webwarper.exe utility to automate viewing sites via WebWarper. If you use this utility and type a web address in the address line without "http://" prefix, then WebWarper advertisement is automatically disabled for the period until you will close the browser window. So the users of webwarper.exe utility usually don't see WebWarper ads at all. (However, the advertisement can appear if you go to a site, optimized by WebWarper, by a bookmark or a link on another site.)

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