Package net.algart.matrices.scanning
package net.algart.matrices.scanning
Algorithms of scanning objects or object boundaries at
2- or n-dimensional AlgART matrices
- Author:
- Daniel Alievsky
ClassDescription2-dimensional object boundaries scanner: the class allowing to trace boundaries of objects, "drawn" at some 2-dimensional bit matrix.The pixel side.The step of scanning the boundary: moving from one boundary segment to the next boundary segment.Wrapper of a boundary scanner, that measures some simple parameters of every scanned boundary.The class describing what parameters of the connected object boundary should be measured by
class.Abstract wrapper of a boundary scanner: special variant ofBoundary2DScanner
class, that redirects all methods to some parent scanner and, maybe, performs some additional actions.Connected objects scanner: the class performing scanning and clearing connected objects, "drawn" on some n-dimensional updatable bit matrix.Visitor of matrix elements.The simplest implementation ofConnectedObjectScanner.ElementVisitor
interface.Connectivity kind of connected objects in the matrix.Contour line style for 2-dimensional object boundaries, traced byBoundary2DScanner