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WebWarper / Main Features

WebWarper can accelerate access to sites

WebWarper compresses the transferred data and sends less information to the client. As a result, WebWarper can accelerate work in a case of low speed of user's connection. Acceleration is especially probable in the super-dense viewing mode.

Of course, acceleration is not guaranteed.

While using WebWarper, the pages are loaded on webwarper.net server, converted into the compressed "gzip" format and then are transferred to your computer. This scheme can lead to delay of access in the following cases.

  • Low speed of connection between the original site and webwarper.net server or between webwarper.net and your computer can override data compression effect.
  • If you have high-speed access to Internet (pages appear instantly), then WebWarper will slow down access but will save your traffic.
  • Some sites already send pages in gzip format. In this case WebWarper does not reduce the traffic and does not accelerate access. See also the F.A.Q. Does WebWarper really compress my traffic?
  • The graphics, video and other non-textual data are not compressed. Acceleration is possible only due to compression of the text information.
  • WebWarper does not provide any economy, if WebWarper advertisement is turned on. Advertisement can be turned off very easily: see the F.A.Q. "WebWarper adds to viewed pages a lot of advertisement. Is it possible to remove it?"

You may check whether WebWarper accelerate access to the given site. A link to the measurement utility is located on the home page, and in the upper control panel on all pages watched through WebWarper.

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