Class StreamingApertureProcessor
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
Streaming aperture matrix processor: an algorithm, processing one or
several n-dimensional matrices
and returning one resulting matrix,
where the value of every element of the resulting matrix depends on (and only on)
the source elements in an aperture with the fixed shape "around" the same position.
This class allows to optimize such type of processing in all cases, when the source matrix
is not direct accessible
, for example, if it is very large
and created via LargeMemoryModel
: this class automatically splits the source matrix into blocks
which can fit in Java memory, downloads them into (directly accessible) matrices, created by
, and processes them by the abstract method
, overridden by the user.
It is supposed that the type of matrix elements is one of primitive Java types
(boolean, char, byte, short, int,
long, float, double) and, so, represents an integer or a real number,
according to comments to PFixedArray.getLong(long)
and PArray.getDouble(long)
See below for more details.
First of all, let's define all terms and specify, what kind of algorithms can be performed by this class.
This class works with some AlgART matrix
M, called the source matrix,
some list of additional matrices
P, called the aperture shape.
The dimensions of all additional arguments always must be the same as the dimensions of the source
matrix: dimEquals
integer pattern
if a pattern, passed to the main process
method of this class, is not integer, it is automatically
rounded to the nearest integer pattern by the call
- For any integer point, or position
x = (x0, x1, ..., xn−1) ,n=M. , the aperture of this point, or the aperture at the position x, is a set of pointsdimCount()
x−pi = (x0−pi0, x1−pi1, ..., xn−1−pi,n−1) for allpi∈P (points
of the pattern P). We always consider that the point x lies inside M matrix (0≤xk<M. for all k), but this condition can be not true for points of the aperturedim
(k)x−pi .
- For every point
x' = x−pi of the aperture we consider the corresponding value vi of the source matrix M. More formally, vi it is the value of the element (integer:PFixedArray.getLong(long)
, if the type of the matrix elements is boolean, char, byte, short, int or long, or real:PArray.getDouble(long)
, if the element type is float or double) of the underlying arrayM. with an indexarray()
M. , wherepseudoCyclicIndex
(x'0, x'1, ..., x'n−1)x'k = xk−pi,k . These values vi form the unordered set ofN=P. "neighbour" values.pointCount()
- Also for the position x we consider an ordered list of K additional values
w0, w1, ..., wK−1 — the values of corresponding elements of the additional argumentsM0, M1, ..., MK−1 . More formally, wk it is the value of the element (integer:PFixedArray.getLong(long)
, if the type of the matrix elements is boolean, char, byte, short, int or long, or real:PArray.getDouble(long)
, if the element type is float or double) of the underlying arrayMk. with an indexarray()
Mk. .index
(x0, x1, ..., xn−1)
- The streaming aperture processor is an algorithm, which transforms the source matrix M
and the additional matrices
M0, M1, ..., MK−1 to the resulting matrix R, every element r of which at the position x is the result of some processing function g withN+K arguments:r = g (v0, v1, ..., vN−1, w0, w1, ..., wK−1).
The processing function g is a parameter of this object and is specified by the concrete implementation ofasProcessed(Class, Matrix, List, Pattern)
abstract method. Asv0, v1, ..., vN−1 is unordered set with unspecified order of elements, this function must not depend on the order of its first N arguments vi. (But it usually depends on the order of the additional arguments wk.)
This class declares two base methods:
asProcessed(Class, Matrix, List, Pattern)
abstract method, which fully defines the processing algorithm, i.e. the processing function g, and returns the result of this algorithm as a "lazy" matrix R (i.e. an immutable view of the passed source matrix, such that any reading data from it calculates and returns the resulting r elements);- and
process(Matrix, Matrix, List, Pattern)
non-abstract method, which really performs all calculations, usingasProcessed
method, and stores the resulting matrix R in its first argument dest.
Usually, this class really represents a streaming aperture processor, according the rules listed above.
Such implementations of this class are called standard implementations.
In standard implementations, it is enough to implement only the abstract method
But it is also allowed this class to represent any other algorithm, that converts M matrix and
a set of asProcessed
You can detect, is this implementation standard or no, with help of
Note 1: the definition of the aperture above always supposes the pseudo-cyclic continuation
of the source matrix, as described in Matrix.pseudoCyclicIndex(long...)
method. You can use
(an example of non-standard implementation of this class)
to change this behaviour to another continuation way.
Note 2: it is easy to see that all basic morphology, defined in
(in a simple case when the number of morphology pattern dimensions
is equal to the number of the source matrix dimensions M.dimCount()
as this class requires),
and all rank operations, defined in RankMorphology
are streaming aperture processors, when they use standard pseudo-cyclic continuation of the matrix
work in other way).
The basic morphology operations have no additional arguments Mk,
as well as aperture sum rank operation. The percentile has 1 additional argument r,
the rank has 1 additional argument v, the mean between percentiles and
mean between values have 2 additional arguments. Most of filters, using in image processing,
like the traditional linear filters, are also streaming aperture processors.
The main task, solved by this class, is a ready implementation of the second
) method on the base of the first method
) for a case of the standard implementations
of this class. Namely, the implementation, offered by this class, performs the necessary calculations
via one or more calls of asProcessed
and it tries to optimize them by downloading parts of the source matrix M into quick accessible
(i.e. direct accessible
) temporary matrices,
created by SimpleMemoryModel
, and applying asProcessed
to them. The idea of this optimization is the following. Usually, calculating the result of
for every aperture position x
requires accessing to N elements of the source matrix in the aperture.
If the source matrix is not direct accessible, it can require essential time, especially if
it is created by LargeMemoryModel
. But if you are using this class, you can call
method and be almost sure,
that it will call asProcessed
method with relatively
little direct accessible
temporary matrices.
Such preloading usually increases performance in times even without any additional efforts;
but if you want to provide maximal performance, you should check (in your implementation of
), whether the passed src
matrix is direct accessible
, and, probably, provide
a special optimized branch of the algorithm which works with the
internal Java array
The amount of Java memory, which process
may spend for the optimization, is specified via maxTempBufferSize(PArray)
and usually corresponds to Arrays.SystemSettings.maxTempJavaMemory()
This optimization is possible only in standard implementations, when your
method really represents
some streaming aperture processor. It means that it calculates and returns the results of
some processing function g (not depending on the order of first N arguments),
as described in the definition above. If these conditions are not fulfilled, the result of
method can be incorrect. For example,
a typical possible error while implementing asProcessed
is using the value w of the element of the source matrix M at the position x.
It can lead to error, because process
method sometimes
the passed pattern and correspondingly
the source matrix M
for optimization goals — so, your asProcessed
method, while trying to access to the element of the source matrix M at the position x,
will really read the value of another element instead. If you need to implement an algorithm, where the result
element r at the position x depends also on the element of the source matrix
at the same position x, you should pass the source matrix M also as one of additional
Mk matrices. You can find an example of this technique in comments to
method, where the usage of it for implementing the corresponding
methods is described.
Note that this class does not try to preload necessary parts of the additional Mk
matrices into Java memory (i.e. temporary matrices, created by SimpleMemoryModel
). The reason is that
the aperture size N is usually much greater than the number of additional matrices K
(in most applications K is from 0 to 2..3), so it is not too important to optimize
access to additional matrices. But, if necessary, you can do it yourself in your
method by good implementing
Array.getData(long, Object, int, int)
method in the "lazy" built-in array of the resulting matrix.
To do this, you need to load the corresponding subarrays of the additional arguments into your own Java arrays
by the corresponding Array.getData(long, Object, int, int)
calls for all arrays
class can help you to minimize necessary
memory allocations.
This package provides a set of methods for creating objects, extending this class for
all basic rank operations
in RankProcessors
Warning: this class can process only patterns
where pointCount()
can throw TooManyPointsInPatternError
or OutOfMemoryError in the same situations as Pattern.points()
The classes, implementing this interface, are usually immutable and thread-safe: there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance. It is not guaranteed for any classes, but it is guaranteed for all instances created by the methods of the classes of this package.
- Author:
- Daniel Alievsky
Constructor Summary
(ArrayContext context) Creates an instance of this class with the given context. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionasProcessed
(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, List<? extends Matrix<? extends PArray>> additionalMatrices, Pattern pattern) Returns an immutable view of the passed source matrixM=src and the passed additional matricesMk=additionalMatrices.get(k) , such that any reading data from it calculates and returns the result R of this streaming aperture processor.asProcessed
(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix3, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2, additionalMatrix3), pattern).asProcessed
(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2), pattern).asProcessed
(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix), pattern).asProcessed
(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class), pattern).protected static void
(Matrix<? extends PArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, List<? extends Matrix<? extends PArray>> additionalMatrices, Pattern pattern) Checks whether the passed arguments are allowed arguments forprocess(Matrix, Matrix, List, Pattern)
method and throws the corresponding exception if it is not so.context
(ArrayContext newContext) This method is implemented here via cloning this object (by standard clone() call) and replacing the value of the field, where a reference to the current context is stored, with newContext value.boolean
Returns true if there is a guarantee that this object is a standard implementations of this class.protected long
(PArray src) Specifies the maximal amount of usual Java memory, measured in elements of temporary arrays, thatprocess
method may freely use for optimization needs.void
(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, List<? extends Matrix<? extends PArray>> additionalMatrices, Pattern pattern) Processes the passed source matrixM=src and the passed additional matricesMk=additionalMatrices.get(k) by this streaming aperture processor and stores the result R in dest void
(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix3, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2, additionalMatrix3), pattern).final void
(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2), pattern).final void
(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1), pattern).final void
Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class), pattern).Methods inherited from class net.algart.arrays.AbstractArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
context, contextPart, memoryModel
Constructor Details
Creates an instance of this class with the given context.- Parameters:
- the context used by this instance for all operations.
Method Details
Description copied from class:AbstractArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
This method is implemented here via cloning this object (by standard clone() call) and replacing the value of the field, where a reference to the current context is stored, with newContext value. This technique is suitable for most implementation. However, if you need, you can override this method; maybe, it is enough to override clone() instead.
- Specified by:
in interfaceArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
- Overrides:
in classAbstractArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
- Parameters:
- another context, used by the returned instance; may be null.- Returns:
- new instance with another context.
public boolean isStandardImplementation()Returns true if there is a guarantee that this object is a standard implementations of this class. For non-standard implementation, this method usually returns false. See comments toStreamingApertureProcessor
class for more details.- Returns:
- whether this implementation is standard.
public final <T extends PArray> Matrix<T> asProcessed(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class), pattern).- Parameters:
- desired type of the built-in array in the returned matrix.src
- the source matrix M.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Returns:
- the "lazy" matrix containing the result of this algorithm.
- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires at least 1 additional matrix.
public final <T extends PArray> Matrix<T> asProcessed(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix), pattern).- Parameters:
- desired type of the built-in array in the returned matrix.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrix
- the additional matrix M0.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Returns:
- the "lazy" matrix containing the result of this algorithm.
- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires more than 1 additional matrix.
public final <T extends PArray> Matrix<T> asProcessed(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2), pattern).- Parameters:
- desired type of the built-in array in the returned matrix.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrix1
- the additional matrix M0.additionalMatrix2
- the additional matrix M1.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Returns:
- the "lazy" matrix containing the result of this algorithm.
- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires more than 2 additional matrices.
public final <T extends PArray> Matrix<T> asProcessed(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix3, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toasProcessed
(requiredType, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2, additionalMatrix3), pattern).- Parameters:
- the desired type of the built-in array in the returned matrix.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrix1
- the additional matrix M0.additionalMatrix2
- the additional matrix M1.additionalMatrix3
- the additional matrix M2.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Returns:
- the "lazy" matrix containing the result of this algorithm.
- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires more than 3 additional matrices.
public abstract <T extends PArray> Matrix<T> asProcessed(Class<? extends T> requiredType, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, List<? extends Matrix<? extends PArray>> additionalMatrices, Pattern pattern) Returns an immutable view of the passed source matrixM=src and the passed additional matricesMk=additionalMatrices.get(k) , such that any reading data from it calculates and returns the result R of this streaming aperture processor. See thecomments to this class
for more details.The matrix, returned by this method, is immutable, and the class of its built-in array implements one of the basic interfaces
. The class of desired interface (one of 8 possible classes) must be passed as requiredType argument. So, it defines the element type of the returned matrix. The rules of casting the floating-point result of the processing function g to the desired element type depend on implementation. In many (but not all) implementations they are the same as inArrays.asFuncArray(boolean, net.algart.math.functions.Func, Class, PArray...)
method with the argument truncateOverflows=true.The concrete algorithm, implementing by this class, can require some number of additional arguments Mk. If the number of matrices in the passed list additionalMatrices is less than the required one, this method throws IllegalArgumentException. If the number of passed matrices is greater than the required one, it is not an error: the extra arguments are ignored.
Usually you should use
method, which work faster than this method.- Parameters:
- the desired type of the built-in array in the returned matrix.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrices
- the additional matrices M0, M1, ..., MK−1.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Returns:
- the "lazy" matrix containing the result of this algorithm.
- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null or if one of additionalMatrices elements is null.SizeMismatchException
- if some passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if the number of additional matrices additionalMatrices.size() is less than the number of arguments, required by this implementation.
public final void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class), pattern).- Parameters:
- the resulting matrix R.src
- the source matrix M.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires at least 1 additional matrix.
public final void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1), pattern).- Parameters:
- the resulting matrix R.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrix
- the additional matrix M0.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires more than 1 additional matrix.
public final void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2), pattern).- Parameters:
- the resulting matrix R.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrix1
- the additional matrix M0.additionalMatrix2
- the additional matrix M1.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires more than 2 additional matrices.
public final void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix1, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix2, Matrix<? extends PArray> additionalMatrix3, Pattern pattern) Equivalent toprocess
(dest, src,Matrices.several
(PArray.class, additionalMatrix1, additionalMatrix2, additionalMatrix3), pattern).- Parameters:
- the resulting matrix R.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrix1
- the additional matrix M0.additionalMatrix2
- the additional matrix M1.additionalMatrix3
- the additional matrix M2.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null.SizeMismatchException
- if the passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if this implementation requires more than 3 additional matrices.
public void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, List<? extends Matrix<? extends PArray>> additionalMatrices, Pattern pattern) Processes the passed source matrixM=src and the passed additional matricesMk=additionalMatrices.get(k) by this streaming aperture processor and stores the result R in dest argument. See thecomments to this class
for more details.This default implementations is based on one or more calls of
method and copying its result into dest matrix. The requiredType argument ofasProcessed
method is chosen as dest.type
(PArray.class). If you need to create a non-standard implementation (a class which does not represent a streaming aperture processor, complying with strict definition from the comments to this class), you must override this method. You also may override this method, if it is possible to provide better performance than the default implementation, for example, for some specific variants of the aperture shape pattern.If the element type of dest matrix is not floating-point, then this method casts the floating-point result of the processing function g to the types of dest elements. The rules of casting depend on implementation and usually are the same as in
method. The default implementation does not need casting, because all necessary casting is already performed byasProcessed
method.The concrete algorithm, implementing by this class, can require some number of additional arguments Mk. If the number of matrices in the passed list additionalMatrices is less than the required one, this method throws IllegalArgumentException. If the number of passed matrices is greater than the required one, it is not an error: the extra arguments are ignored.
The aperture shape pattern, passed to this method, is automatically rounded to the nearest
integer pattern
by the operatorspattern = pattern. in the very beginning of this method. In other words, this class is designed for processing integer aperture shapes only. It is the a normal situation for most aperture matrix processing algorithms.round()
- Parameters:
- the resulting matrix R.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrices
- the additional matrices M0, M1, ..., MK−1.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null or if one of additionalMatrices elements is null.SizeMismatchException
- if some passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()
or if the number of additional matrices additionalMatrices.size() is less than the number of arguments, required by this implementation.
Specifies the maximal amount of usual Java memory, measured in elements of temporary arrays, thatprocess
method may freely use for optimization needs. The src arguments isM. , where M is the source processed matrix, passed toarray()
method.By default, this method returns Math.round(maxTempJavaMemory/elementSize), where maxTempJavaMemory = Math.max(
) and elementSize is the number of bytes, required for each element of src array (i.e.src. ).bitsPerElement()
/8.0You may override this method if you want to change this behaviour. For example, it can be necessary if your implementation of
method allocates some Java memory itself: in this case, you should correct the result of this method in such a way, that the total amount of allocated temporary Java memory will not exceed maxTempJavaMemory limit. -
protected static void checkArguments(Matrix<? extends PArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, List<? extends Matrix<? extends PArray>> additionalMatrices, Pattern pattern) Checks whether the passed arguments are allowed arguments forprocess(Matrix, Matrix, List, Pattern)
method and throws the corresponding exception if it is not so. Does nothing if the arguments are correct.More precisely, this method checks that all arguments are not null, all elements of additionalMatrices (if this list is not empty) are not null, dest and src matrices and elements of additionalMatrices (if this list is not empty) have the
same dimensions
and pattern.dimCount()
. This method is called in the beginning ofprocess
method. It also can be used in the beginning ofasProcessed
method, with passing src argument of that method in a role of both dest and src arguments of this one.- Parameters:
- the resulting matrix R.src
- the source matrix M.additionalMatrices
- the additional matrices M0, M1, ..., MK−1.pattern
- the aperture shape P.- Throws:
- if one of the arguments is null or if one of additionalMatrices elements is null.SizeMismatchException
- if some passed matrices have different dimensions.IllegalArgumentException
- if the number of the pattern dimensions pattern.dimCount()
is not equal to src.dimCount()