
Vladislav Khramtsov

Vladislav Mikhailovich Khramtsov was born in 1932 in
Tavda town of Sverdlovsk region. In 1951 he finished Sverdlovsk art-professional college
¹ 42, and in 1969 - art-managing department of Ural's State university named after
A.M.Gorky. In 1951 - 1977 he worked at Sverdlovsk jeweller's plant. From 1960 he has been
a participant of city, regional, zonal, republican and international exhibitions. A
member of Artists' Union of Russia from 1965 year. In 1991 Vladislav
was awarded a degree of Distinguished artist of Russia. In 1995 the artist was awarded a
Silver medal of Russian Academy of Art. His works are in museums of Russia and foreign
countries. |
| Bracelet from suit "Ballad". 1984. Silver, garnet, garnet brush. | |
| Coil from suit "Theatre board". 1992. Silver, tantalum, silicon. | |
| Bracelet from suit "Existance". 1997. German silver, nickel, wood, bone, morion, citrine. | |
| Suit. "Lakes" (Pan for decorations, necklace, coil). 1995. Silver, jet, jasper. | |
| Necklace and coil from suit "Rains". 1994-95. Silver, icy and pink quartz, morion, prase, citrine, almadine, silicon. | |
| Bracelet and earrings from suit "Old Posad". 1991. Nickel, stone-like wood, jasper. | |