and Vasily Antsiferovs
1950 was born in Lysva, Perm region
1974 graduated from the Painting Department of Shadr Ekaterinburg Art College
1975 participant of art exhibitions
1989 member of the Russia Artists' Union
1953 was born in Ekaterinburg
1975 graduated from the Painting Department of Shadr Ekaterinburg Art College
1980 participant of art exhibitions
1993 member of the Russia Artists' Union
7 international - Moscow, Perm, Ekaterinburg
4 regional - Ufa, Kurgan, Ekaterinburg, Russia
8 republican - Moscow, Russia
2 all-union – Moscow, Russia
10 abroad - Italy, USA, Germany
6 personal:
1986 Ekaterinburg, Russia
1997 Perm, Russia
1999 Karlsruhe, Germany
1999 Karlsruhe, Germany
2000 Ettlingen, Germany
2000 Ekaterinburg, Russia
Lyubov and Vassily Antsiferovs
tel.: (3432) 55-49-25 home
tel. (3432)75-77-04 workshop
1998 |
Triennial of printed graphics Ufa, Russia
Big lithographs and small etchings Ekaterinburg, Russia
1999 |
Our Graphics Milan, Italy
Graphic arts Personal exhibition Karlsruhe, Germany
Lithographs Personal exhibition Karlsruhe, Germany
Our Graphics Seattle, USA
Seoul-Moscow-Perm International exhibition Perm, Russia
Eve Ekaterinburg, Russia
2000 |
ART-PERM Perm, Russia
Fathers and Sons Ekaterinburg, Russia
Spring Crossings Personal exhibition, Ettlingen, Germany
First Ural Exhibition of Decorative Art Ekaterinburg, Russia
French Salad Personal exhibition Ekaterinburg, Russia
Black Against White International exhibition Perm, Russia
2001 |
Graphic arts International exhibition Barcelona, Spain
All of the Gods Ekaterinburg, Russia
Psychology of Still Life Ekaterinburg, Russia
International print triennial in Kanagawa, Japon
The works are preserved in the museums and private collections of Russia, Germany, Latvia, USA, Estonia
| Full moon Lithography 43X41 | |
| Maria. . Cardboard, acryl. 80X60. | |
| George sheet 1 paper acryl pastel 80X60 | |
| Joseph. . Cardboard, acryl. 80X50 | |
| Crossroads of the Spring. . Triptych. Paper, mixted technique. 80X50. | |
| Crossroads of the Spring. . Triptych. Paper, mixted technique. 80X50. | |
| Crossroads of the Spring. . Triptych. Paper, mixted technique. 80X50. | |
| Saviour sheet 2 paper acril 80X60 | |
| The Origin sheet 2 cardboard acryl pastel 80X50 | |
| The Origin sheet 3 cardboard acryl pastel 80X50 | |
| Annunciation sheet 1 paper acryl 80X50 | |
| Annunciation sheet 2 paper acryl 80X60 | |
| Annunciation sheet 3 paper acryl 80X50 | |
| Angel. . Paper, mixted technique. 60X80. | |
| The Northern Saviour paper acryl pastel 100X80 | |
| The Saviorn from Ussolye. . Paper, mixted technique. 60X80. | |
Every artist ponders on how to depict new tendencies of life, a new attitude to express reality. The world is diverse and strange. Man decided to understand it and "tame". Now it seems to many of us that we know and can explain everything about us. It is possible that this "educational" delusion makes our present existence more tragic than ever. We are surrounded by our daily life. We see numerous objects, the world of articles of mass consumption. This "space of objects" tends to make our thoughts primitive, utilitarian and pragmatic. This may be one of the reasons why the spectator very often demands of an artist to depict images of a familiar world of objects, a visually definite reality, realistic pictures. Spectators forget that art has never played the role of "a blueprint" of life and was never a mechanical reproduction of the universe. Artist, writer, composer - everyone who tries to depict the diversity the world and to express senses incomprehensive in vague strange and intuitive images.
When contemporary art refused to use the frames of the 19th century and began to search for new ways and methods of representing reality it often found decisions at the junction of the "objective" and the "abstract". The works of Vassily and Lyubov Antsiferov successfully unite the imaginary and the real world. When we see a real bunch of flowers we also sense how this "image" was created, it is not only a real touch of the objects but different perceptions and sensations, a kind of "echo"emerging within the depth of microworld, microcosmos of human feelings.
This newly born image is extremely personal because it comes into the existence as a sum of dreams, emotions, thoughts and peculiarities of the artist. It is all the more surprising when two artists work together. It is a unique experience when two artists find consensus and their creative activity does not part them but, on the contrary, it attracts them giving birth to their artistic initiatives.
Their works (paintings and mixed technique works) are various in manner of execution and colour range. Beige and brown colour, the colour of the earth dominates in some of their works. In other works it is white, the colour of an ideal, a dream, a heavenly and ideal world which one imagines and dreams about. And there is also black symbolizing something unknown, strange, mysterious like a black sky which attracts and frightens at one and the same time.
The philosophy of the authors is expressed to a greater extent in the lithography "Fading Light". There are two shining lamps in a black, deeply dark space. And a flood of light is moving smoothly and wave-like into the distance. It is a gliding escaping light of an object. It is life of the object that is not finally here, it is only a sign of its former presence. Such an approach of the artists is very delightful. It makes us imagine something we do not have in "reality"', something that has gone and to understand things we are unable to see. Lithography is an amazing technique, it gives an opportunity to have mild and delicate shades. It allows expression of everything that is impossible to do using such "strict" techniques as etching or xylograph. That is why many artists like to work in lithography technique.
The search of an image in paintings starts from real objects and then a play with an imitative structure follows. Strokes, stripes, dots, crosses appear. Suddenly an object comes to be surrounded by "stripes", the background is filled with strangely moving "crosses" and, as completely neutral and strange, coloured "squares" and "rays of light" begin to blaze ("Dragon-Fly"). A bouquet may really be among peasant houses, at the same time a reflection of the light from the window blazes on the vase in semi-darkness. Branches turn into unreal imitative structure which can resemble shaggy bunches or bending feathers turned into "symbols" by the flood of light. There is a mixture of the real and unreal. The real world merges into a metaphysical one, reality becomes out of time, the temporary and present flows into the eternal. The world of images created by the Artist makes one think, feel, experience.
Sergei Barklyansky, art critic, Russia, Perm.