Ekaterina Vladimirovna Giliova was born in 1907 in Irbit.
In 1929 she finished Sverdlovsk industrial-art college. From 1937 she has been a
participant of city, regional, zonal, republican and international exhibitions. A
member of Artists' Union of Russia from 1938 year. From 1936 to 1966 she illustrated books
for Sverdlovsk book-publishing house. From 1958 she has been working in graphics, mostly
in water-colour.
Pictures to fairy-tale by E. Khorinskaia "Granpa-cryer". 1950.
Thunderstorm is leaving. 1972.
Bathers. 1994.
Autumn day. 1992.
Mountain in spring. 1984.
Croped corn. 1979-80.
This is a mirror of RUS-Art site,
published at AlgART with the kind permission of the rightholder (SIAMS company).