Ilytchov Igor
1961 |
Born at Ekaterinburg Russia. |
1985 |
Grraduated from College of Art and Desing of Sverdlovsk
with honors. |
1985-1991 |
Worked at Artists Union Creative and Production plant. |
1991-1996 |
Student of the Urals State Academy of Arts and
Architecture monumental and decorative Arts Dept.. |
1993 |
Member of union of Artists, Ekaterinburg Dept. |
1996 |
Defended of the diploma on the monumental-decorative
solution of the busnesscenter hall. |
1997 |
Lecturer of the Urals State Academy of Arts and
Architecture monumental and decorative Arts specialty |
Practices in monumental paintings, easel painting
and book graphics
| Illuctration for Gossini's "Nicol's Vacation's" by ink pen upon the paper 30x20 1993 | |
| Illustrations for "Secret of Hout Couisine" by Pohlyobkin, inc pen upon the paper 20x10 1992 | |
| Illustrations for "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by A. Volkov, 25x15, ink pen upon the paper. 1992 | |
| Illustration for "Winnitoo" 30x20 pencil drawing on the paper. 1994. | |
| "Jazz". etching. 12x10. 1991. | |
| "The Tailwolker". Etching. 12x16. 1991. | |
| "That is my countryside", series "The Launching if the Kite". from aquatint etching 1991 | |
| Illustrtions for "Seven Princess" by E.Farjohn, 40x30, tempera upon the paper, 1994 | |