German Meteliov
German Seliverstovich Meteliov was born in 1938 in
Sverdlovsk. In 1957 he graduated from Sverdlovsk art college, in 1963 - from Leningrad
State Art institute named after Ilia Repin. From 1964 he has been a participant of city,
regional, zonal, republican and international exhibitions. A member of Artists'
Union of Russia from 1967 year. |
In 1978 - 1989 - personal exhibitions in Ekaterinburg,
Cheliabinsk, Orenburg, Perm. The artist fulfiled several orders for decoration of
public houses. His works are in museums of Ekaterinburg, Cheliabinsk, Chita,
Vladivostok, Orenburg, Perm, Kurgan and in private collections of Switzerland and
Checkoslovakia. He prefers graphics and painting.