German Metelev
German Metelev goes in for painting with
fascination, creates easel and monumental works, work at theatre, becomes an author of
sculptures, and sagnificant works in book and easel graphics and numerous bookplates were
done by him... The majority of his works astonish us by the virtuosity of painting
techniques, but they are full of specific informative meaning... By using images of Greek,
Bible and pagan mythology, creating personal construction, German Metelev also turned to
comprehension of common to all mankind values. That is how double unity of reality and
imagination occurred...
G. Kholodova
"Still Life With A Peacock Feather" oil on cardboard 61 õ 58 1976
"Way To Mysteriousi" oil on canvas 49 õ 55 1997
"Judgment Of Paris" oil on canvas 120 õ 170 1976 - 1987