V. VolovichA. Alekseev - SvinkinG. Metelev
Album "7 Yekaterinburg Artists"
O. ShtukaturovaV. ChursinM. SazhaevY. Filonenko

Vitaliy Volovich

The magic of the Gothic architecture with its arc-butanes, buttresses, ribs and rose windows, phials, abundance of sculpture and color is boundless. Gothic came to Russia not alive but through drawings, engravings, photographs and familiarizing digressions. Therefore, Gothic is mysterious, removed, fabulous environment for Russian artists...

A. Stepanov

From the cycle "My
 gouache on paper 86
 õ 61 1998
From the cycle "My Workshop"
gouache on paper 86 õ 61 1998
From the cycle "Medieval
 In The Name Of  Gog
 gouache on paper 100
 õ 73 1997
From the cycle "Medieval Mysteries"
In The Name Of Gog
gouache on paper 100 õ 73 1997


From the cycle "My
 gouache on paper 86
 õ 61 1998
From the cycle "My Workshop"
gouache on paper 86 õ 61 1998

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